Consortium Council
CUEE Council is the principal decision-making body and includes participants from all member universities. The Council also serves (through the Secretariat) as a strategic information and planning body, making it possible for members to inform each other of plans and key decisions and take advantage of opportunities to shape and align the Consortium with emerging professional and government evaluation-related priorities.
CUEE Chair and Vice-Chair lead all meetings of the Consortium Council and work with the Secretariat to communicate with members about issues and initiatives that fulfill CUEE’s goals and objectives.
CUEE Secretariat facilitates the day-to-day operations of the Consortium including ongoing communication and liaising with members.
Consortium Council November 2020-2021
Dr. Karen Lawson
Department of Psychology
University of Saskatchewan
9 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5
Vice Chair
Past Chair
Dr. Marthe Hurteau
Université du Québec à Montréal
École des sciences de la gestion
Case postale 8888, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal QC, H3C 3P8
Dr. Stanley Varnhagen
Evaluation and Research Services
Faculty of Extension
University of Alberta
10230 – Jasper Avenue
Edmonton AB, T5J 4P6
Dr. Robert Shepherd
CUEE Secretariat
c/o School of Public Policy and Administration
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive, 5126RB
Ottawa ON
K1S 5B6 Canada
Tel 613-520-2600 ext. 2257
Fax 613-520-2551
The Secretariat facilitates the day-to-day operations of the Consortium, including:
- ongoing communication and liaising with its members;
- obtaining information from all participating institutions about the rules that pertain to admission, coursework, residency, and related issues;
- acquiring and maintaining an up-to-date working repository of documents (e.g., course syllabi, university regulations, admission procedures, residency requirements in “home” institutions) that is accessible to Consortium members;
- preparing draft reports for review and approval of members;
- reporting to the Consortium Council regarding CUEE activities and finances via an Annual Report.
- identifying and disseminating best practices;
- organizing meetings of the Consortium;
- maintaining the public CUEE website and members-only Portal;
- confirming annual memberships;
- contributing to the recruitment of new members;
- managing CUEE finances and collecting annual membership dues;
- coordinating elections of Executive members.